Reborn From Ruins: A Tale of Transformation

Lei Jin, Tianqi Guan and Teng Guo Revitalize a Beijing Village House

In the southwestern suburb of Beijing, a remarkable transformation has taken place. A once dilapidated house, plagued by water issues and structural challenges, has been reborn as a modern, functional and aesthetically pleasing residence. This is the story of "Reborn From Ruins", a project by designers Lei Jin, Tianqi Guan and Teng Guo.

The project is located in ChangGe Village, Daxing County. The original house was fraught with problems. It had no water supply, the interior floor was lower than the courtyard, leading to flooding during rains, and the house's long but narrow courtyard served as a pathway for the family's only transport vehicle, a three-wheeler. The designers were tasked with transforming this space within a stringent budget of 300,000 RMB (about 45,000 USD) and a tight timeline of 45 days.

The design team approached this challenge with a keen understanding of the residents' daily routines and habits. They re-organized the floorplan, moving all the storage function to the north side of the house, while taking the daily activity function to the south side where it is better lit. The middle part of the house was turned into a common area, separating the resting areas for hosts and guests, allowing for better privacy.

Outside the house, the parking area of the “three-wheeler” was re-located from the inner-most end of the courtyard to outside of the gate, so the courtyard could be fully utilized. The designers planted bamboos & lavenders along the neighboring wall by the south side of the courtyard facing the house, creating a relaxing and serene landscape to be viewed from inside.

To address the water issues, the designers elevated the interior floor, adjusted exterior courtyard ground level and installed new sewer and gutter systems. A new water tank with a capacity over 2-cubic-meters was built at one end of the courtyard, to harvest and recycle rain water collected from the rooftops. This not only solved the problem of water shortage but also protected the building structure during heavy rains.

The project was not just about solving practical issues. The designers also paid attention to the aesthetic aspects. They removed the suspended ceiling to allow for more space and revealed the original wood structure and straw-covered ceiling texture, telling a story of time. They also designed a view window at the end of the corridor toward the west side, connecting the interior space with the natural environment.

The project "Reborn From Ruins" is a testament to the designers' ability to transform a space within a limited budget and time frame. It is a celebration of their creativity, ingenuity and sensitivity to the needs of the residents. The project was awarded Golden in A' Interior Space, Retail and Exhibition Design Award in 2018, a testament to its outstanding design and impact.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Ray Jin
Image Credits: Xiazhi
Project Team Members: Lei Jin, Tianqi Guan and Teng Guo
Project Name: Reborn From Ruins
Project Client: Ray Jin

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